Oh, so NOW Edge 102.1 gives me an invitation to a free concert...they couldn't do that when Our Lady Peace was around?
Just got an e-mail today that says:
"Congratulations, you have won an invitation for two to attend a very special live club gig with Andy Stochansky. Monday November 25th at Club 279 above the Hard Rock Cafe. You and your gust must show up at 8:30 pm. at Club 279 (corner of Dundas and Yonge Street). Your name will be on the guest list at the door.
WHO - ANDY STOCHANSKY [yeah, I'd never heard of him either, but I just checked out his website and it turns out I
have heard his song on the radio before...]
WHEN - MONDAY NOVEMBER 25TH, 2002 [yeah and they only tell me about it on the day of? geez.]
TIME - 8:30 P.M.
This show is 19 plus. You should bring ID. Get there early to avoid the line up! CONGRATULATIONS.... AND ENJOY THE SHOW"
Now...that's all fine and dandy except that 1) it's today, 2) I wouldn't have anyone to go with, 3) a club gig probably isn't my thing anyway, (but then I've never been to one so how should I know?) and 4) I've got to do some major essay-writing in the next two nights on some topic that I barely understand. Hmmph. They just COULDN'T give me OLP tickets, COULD they?? When THEIR concert was on a Friday. AND at ACC. AND they rock. Hmmmph.
Oh well...back to the drawing (working) board now...
p.s. - if you want to sign up for The Inside Edge so that you can enter a whole bunch of Edge contests and things like that, let me know so I can refer you....or alternatively, you could just go to
edge.ca and sign yourself up. :)